Friday, October 16, 2009

Chewing Gum

Hi, my name is Laura and this is my environmental studies blog on chewing gum.


Chewing gum is a popular food rich in sugar which is originally made from chicle, which is a natural gum from Manilkara chicle, which is a tropical evergreen tree native to central America. it grows in rainforrests here because the climate and rain fall makes the perfect conditions for it to grow. Chicle is not found growing in many other places. Wrigley company still a prominent user of this material, today there are only a few companies that still make chewing gum from natural chicle. This is because by the 1960s chicle was replaced butadiene-based synthetic rubber, which was cheaper to manufacture.


most used

Peppermint, Spearmint, Menthol.


Tutti Frutti, Apple, Apricot, Banana, Cherry, Grape, Lemon, Lime, Melon, Orange, Pineapple, Peach, Raspberry, Strawberry, Watermelon.


Wildberry, Blueberry, Forest Fruits, Creamberry, Roseberry, Cranberry, Blackcurrant.

other fruit flavours

Plum, Tangerine, Pear, Mango, Kiwi, Apricot, Carrot, Coconut, Grapefruit.


Anice (also called Anisette or Pastis), Batna ,Bergamot (from a tree that used by Indians in North America), Cardamom (very popular in Middle East countries), Cinnamon, Clove, Darsyne, Jasmine (as a floral fragrance), Ketchup, Lavender (as a floral fragrance), Rose (as a floral fragrance), Mustaka (used in Arab countries), Eucalyptus, Floral (popular in Korea and Japan), Gat (is an Herbal fragrance from Israel), Ginger mint, Hot Pepper, Lemon Tea, Salacider (from Thailand), Tobacco, Vanilla and Violet.

very special flavours

Citrus, Caramel, Chlorophyll, Chocolate, Coffee, Mokka, Cola, Cotton Candy, Flavono Gingseng, Golafilter, Herbal, Forest, Herbal, Ice Cream, Jasmine Tea, Lemonade, Licorice, Mastic, Musk, Natural Chicle, Pepsin, Scented,Tropical, Yogurt and Whisky.


Apple-Melon, Apricot-Maracuja, Banana-Coconut, Banana-Strawberry, Cherry-Cola, Cherry-Lemon, Cherry-Mint, Chocolate-Strawberry, Cinnamint Citro-Cola, Coconut-Chocolate, Coconut-Pineapple, Honey-Lemon, Kiwi-Apple, Lemon-Apple, Lemon-Lime, Lemon-Mint, Lemon-Raspberry, Mango-Banana, Melon-Soda, Mint-Blueberry, Nectar-Honey, Orange-Chocolate, Orange-Grapefruit, Orange-Peach, Orange-Pineapple, Peach-Apricot, Peach-Grape, Peach-Grapefruit, Peach-Mango, Peach-Pineapple, Peach-Raspberry and Raspberry-Blueberry.

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